Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

The scandal surrounding Luna’s selection for Eurovision. TVP publishes the list and deletes it immediately

On Monday (February 19), TVP announced that she was the Polish representative at Eurovision she stayed Aleksandra Wielgomashiding under a pseudonym Glow. As revealed on, the decision to select the Polish woman for Eurovision was made by a five-person jury. It included: Kasia Moś, Piotr Klatt, Michał Hanczak, Konrad Szczęsny and Łukasz Pieter.

The jurors selected 10 items and gave them points on a scale from 1 to 10. It turned out that Luna’s proposal – “The Tower” (listen) – received 34 points, a Justyna Steczkowska with the number “WITCH-ER Tarohoro” 33 points. They took third place in the voting – with the same result – Marcin Maciejczak and Dagadana and Kayah a song from the movie “Chłopi”.

On February 21, TVP posted a list of 22 songs on the website that were included in the jury’s final ranking. Interestingly, the article in which the list appeared quickly disappeared from the website. This was reported by

1. Luna – “The Tower” – 34 points
2. Justyna Steczkowska – “WITCH-ER Tarohoro” – 33 points
3. LUC, Dagadana, Kayah, RBFO, Laboratorium Pieśni – “Jesień – Tańcuj” – 23 points
Marcin Maciejczak – “Midnight Dreamer” – 23 points
5. Natasza Urbańska” – “Who We Are – 22 points
6th thread – “Thunder” – 19 points
7. Bryska – “Alien” – 13 points
8. Sasi and Blascello – “Karma” – 11 points
9. Maciej Musiałowski – “Sign” – 10 points
10. Karolina Wielgus – “Kwiatuszek” – 9 points
11. Happy Prince – “Insatiable” – 8 points
Izdeb – “Ghost” – 8 points
My Friend Casino – “Enslave” – ​​8 points
Izabela Zabielska – “Nowhere To Go” – 8 points
Krystyna Prońko – “Tempus Fugit” – 8 points
16. Paulina Wróblewska – “Days” – 6 points
Krystian Embradora – “Rebel” – 6 points
Koko Die – “If I Could” – 5 points
Edyta Górniak – “I Remember” – 5 points
Mr. Savyan – “In Color of Amaretto” – 5 points
Kuba and Kuba – “Light” – 4 points
Piotr Odoszewski – “Day Night” – 4 points. journalists also draw attention to the fact that the disclosed table is missing 3 points, because after summing it up there are 272. Each juror had 55 points to allocate, i.e. a total of 275 points. TVP has not yet revealed the individual lists of jurors, even though they are in favor of making them public.

Very low places may come as a surprise Krystyna Prońkoand above all Edyta Górniakwhich, as it turned out, with the yet unpublished song “I Remember” was almost not the jury’s favorite at all.

Recall that after the election Luna The provisions of the regulations and the statements of the jurors who assessed the participants aroused confusion.

Point 13 of the pre-selection regulations states: “Each person on the Competition Committee will individually assess each of the received applications, assessing them by awarding them points on a scale of 1-10. The application with the highest quality receives 10 points, while the application with the lowest value receives 1 point.” points. The numbers of points awarded may be repeated.

However, it quickly turned out that the jurors did not rate each of the proposals, but selected – at TVP’s request – their favorite 10 performers and awarded them points on a scale from 1 to 10.

“We had over 200 songs to listen to, it took several hours, everyone did it themselves. Then we sent our TOP10 to television, and since the results were very equal, we still discussed our choices,” he commented for Plejada Michał Hanczak. She reported a similar procedure Kasia Moś and Konrad Szczęsny.

In the meantime, Wirtualna Polska reported that in the first attempt at the jury vote, a song from the film won “Peasants – “Autumn – dance.” Citing an informant from the station, she reported that the failure of the song was due to legal and organizational problems. “It turned out that there was confusion around this song, probably related to the record label. No one provided any details, but the effect was that this composition could not be entered into the competition. So, a resumption of the vote was ordered,” we read .

LUCwho is the composer of the song and who submitted the song to the pre-selection, admitted in an interview with WP that he received a phone call from TVP during which he was asked whether Kayah she could go to Eurovision and whether the song is original. Answers to both Łukasz Rostkowski he replied in the affirmative. The singer had to adjust her schedule, and the song, despite being inspired by “Chłopami”, was his own composition. However, this did not convince the station, which decided to exclude him from the voting.

Michał Hanczak in an interview with Onet, he decided to dispel doubts and revealed that there was no arrangement on the part of the jurors. They didn’t know who was choosing the representative, so they couldn’t contact each other. He also denied that Steczkowska she lost the vote because she is associated with the old TVP authorities. He denied that the label put pressure on the jurors Universal.

“But this is complete nonsense. Of course, I can only speak for myself, but I haven’t seen any money, nor has such a proposal even been made. Such comments only insult our work and are an insult to the entire jury panel. Let’s establish once and for all, these are idiotic speculations. No one tried to bribe us – not even any family member Luna, or the Universal Music Polska label. We did everything to make our choice transparent. We all agreed to do so Polish Television revealed the detailed results of our vote,” Hanczak concluded.

European Broadcasting Union reported that during Eurovision 2024 37 countries will participate. Recall that all countries except the host Sweden and the Big Five (France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Germany) was divided into two semi-finals, which will take place on May 7 and 9. Poland will take part in the first of them. The final is scheduled for May 11.