Series “The Pitt” will show the everyday challenges of medical workers saving the health and lives of patients at a hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He plays the main role Noah Wyle as Dr. Michael “Robby” Robinavitch. At his side we will see the following actors: Tracey Ifeachor as Dr. Collins, Patrick Marron Ball as Dr. Langdon, Supriya Ganesh as Dr. Mohan, Fiona Dourif as Dr. McKay, Taylor Dearden as Dr. King, Isa Briones as Dr. Santos, Gerran Howell as Whitaker, Shebana Azeez as Javadi and Katherine LaNasa as Dana Evans.
“The Pitt” was created by R. Scott Gemmill and produced by John Wells Productions and Warner Bros. Televisions. It will be released on the Max platform in January next year. It will consist of 15 episodes.
At the end of August, a scandal broke out related to the alleged similarities of the Max novelty to the cult “ER”, which was one of the first medical productions. Although no episode of “The Pitt” has been broadcast yet, the production had to face harsh criticism.
The widow of “ER” creator Sherri Crichton has filed a lawsuit in a Los Angeles court, believing that the new Max series draws too much from her husband’s ideas. The lawsuit alleges that after a year of unsuccessful negotiations regarding the idea for a sequel to “ER,” the studio began production of “The Pitt.” The difference was supposed to be the transfer of the setting from Chicago to Pittsburgh.
The editors of Deadline managed to obtain a copy of the script for the first episode of “The Pitt”. They confirmed that the similarity to “ER” is huge. Interestingly, the main role of the new production, Noah Wyle, appeared in “ER” in the years 1994-2009, playing the key character of Dr. John Carter.
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