“American Horror Stories” is a fascinating anthology showing different sides of society. The characters change in each episode, and the stories evoke a thrill of anxiety that makes us want to reach for more.
Information about the next season of the anthology is definitely good news for fans who feel dissatisfied after only four episodes of the latest part, which were released in October 2023.
President of FX Networks, responsible for, among others, with this production, he confirmed that the next season is on the way and will probably be released at the end of October. Will the creators cope with the pace imposed? Let’s hope that the rush will not negatively affect the quality of the beloved production.
The announced quick release date may indicate that the next season will be short, but if this is the price of receiving new episodes more often, then it may be worth getting over it and remembering the previous stories.
All previous seasons of “American Horror Stories” and “American Horror Story” can be watched on Disney+.