“My Friend Penguin” is a story inspired by true events about an extraordinary friendship between a man and a little penguin. This story really happened 13 years ago off the coast of Brazil, and now it has been adapted into a film.
Rescued from an oil spill in the ocean, a baby penguin named Dindim builds a bond with his savior that is so strong that even the vast ocean cannot separate them. Every year, the penguin travels 5,000 nautical miles to return to the place where he found a second life and a second home. When his absence begins to extend, the entire local community of the fishing village joins forces to find him.
As unbelievable as it sounds, this story really happened.
The main roles in the film are played by: a star of French cinema Jean RenoAdriana Barraza and Rochi Hernandez, and also… a group of real penguins rescued off the coast of Brazil. The film beautifully shows that people can live in harmony with animals on our planet.
Watch the movie trailer!
“A must-see for those who love uplifting stories of perseverance and empathy. The film is a tender testament to how making friends enriches our lives. Whether we do it with people, animals or the planet,” wrote a reviewer for Variety.
“It’s a film about the power of doing what’s right. The beautiful, vivid story it tells is sure to get kids interested in the wild world around them,” adds the “IndieWire” journalist.
The film is directed by David Schurmann. “My Friend the Penguin” will hit Polish cinemas on October 18.
The distributor of the title is Media Squad Distribution.