Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Stolen phone? Google is testing new tools

as a result of theft, it’s not nice. Not only do we lose a device that often costs several thousand zlotys, but inside there are files that are important to us, as well as login details to many websites or even information about our payment methods and the like. In short, losing equipment is one thing, but getting access to its contents may be an even greater threat.

This is why Google is starting development on Android smartphones. The set of new features is already somewhat available, but for now only in one country. The company chose Brazil as the test site. This is where a large number of smartphone thefts occur. How does the system work?

It is worth noting that the new function does not protect against hardware theft as such. Google has focused on protecting data stored on the device. In short, the software is supposed to detect the moment of theft and block access to the phone’s contents by unauthorized persons.

How exactly does the tested system work? It has 3 basic functions:

  1. – using the phone’s sensors, the system will detect suspicious movement that may suggest theft (e.g. snatching the device from your hands). Once detected, access to the device will be blocked and you will be required to enter a PIN for further use;
  2. – the anti-theft system is to react when the phone detects suspicious activity. This includes, for example, removing the SIM card from the device for a long time;
  3. – the user of a stolen phone will be able to remotely lock their smartphone using a special website. There, after verification, we will block the phone by entering our phone number;

For now, it is not known when or if Google plans to introduce the service in other places around the world. For now, regional tests will continue, affecting only users in Brazil. If effectiveness and user satisfaction are good, the service will most likely also be available in .

If you want to ensure the security of your files, you should use the available methods. It is a good idea to use optional locks, e.g. based on a fingerprint. This feature will be additionally secured.