Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

She charmed viewers in “Got Talent”, today she is a star. What did Chylińska tell her?

When she was 18 years old Daria Zawiałow she reported to “I have a talent”, she had, among others, winning in “A chance for success” in 2009 and a performance on the Opole stage during Debuts. Even earlier, she won the hearts of viewers with her performance in “From kindergarten to Opole”.

However, this did not open the way to her career. Zawiałow did not give up. Her next step, however, was “I have a talent”. She came to the TVN program in 2011 with a song Janelle Monae “Tightrope”. The choice itself was surprising Robert Kozyrawho believed that with the song Monae Daria he was reducing his chances.

“You have such a powerful voice that the backing track didn’t matter. Beautiful, dark voice, you’re a bit of a bribe, but with character,” commented Agnieszka Chylińska with appreciation.

“It was a fantastic performance, you have power, dynamics in your voice, you are a whole” – she also said yes Małgorzata Foremniak. Despite Kozyra’s rather strange comment, he also voted for the 18-year-old singer.

Ultimately, Zawiałow ended her participation in the program at the semi-final stage. However, he won that edition Kacper Sikoraovertaking Piotr Karpień and Marta Podulka. None of these three in the future had even half the career of Zawiałow.

After her failure in “Got Talent”, a few years later she decided to participate in another talent show. This time it was “X Factor” and that’s where most viewers remembered her. Ultimately, the future star of the Polish scene took ninth place, which greatly angered Internet users. She didn’t hide her disappointment either.

“I don’t even know what to write. I’m struggling with my thoughts… it happened. I dropped out. Maybe it’s right,” she wrote.

The breakthrough moment in Zawiałow’s career was establishing cooperation with Sony and releasing the album “Shoo!” in 2017, which promoted the issue “Raspberry chrusniak”. It quickly turned out that Zawiałow had even more hits up his sleeve.

Her next albums – “Helisinki” and “Wars and Nights” – went double platinum, and the songs “I won’t get to you”, “Gray”, “Hej hej!”, “Kaonashi” and “Too little sleep” – regularly conquered radio stations and streaming services. Her discography ends with the album “Girl POP” released last year.

The success of singles and albums was followed by sold-out concerts, dozens of awards (she won 6 Fryderyk awards and triumphed in Opole) and participation in the now cult tour. Męskiego Granie (Zawiałow was the co-author of two songs – “Dawn” and “And you too, very much”).

As she admitted, after gaining popularity, she had to fight for a long time, and her career path was not easy at all.

“I think that in general it is very difficult to break through. I tried for ten years and it was not an easy path. First of all, you have to have an idea for yourself, but also work hard to consistently pursue your goal, with a lot of humility. And be yourself, I think, that this is the most important thing, being yourself,” she said in an interview with Newseria Lifestyle.