The first “Awantura” premiered on April 6, 2023. The series, produced by the famous A24 studio, followed the fate of two strangers who had a road accident. Tempting blue-collar worker Danny Cho (Steven Yeun) comes into conflict with ideal entrepreneur Amy Lau (Ali Wong). “In subsequent episodes of this moving series full of dark humor, the dispute between them escalates, revealing the story of their lives and relationships,” Netflix promoted its production.
– It’s impossible to break away from “Awantura”. Ten episodes of approximately 35 minutes each with a cliffhanger at the end of each. The creators try to keep the viewer’s attention and curiosity and they do it very well. Even in moments when it seems that the pace is slowing down and we are moving away from the main plot, we are hit in the face with an emotional “leaf”. The last two episodes in particular are a complete rollercoaster – Justyna Miś wrote about the production for Interia.
Her opinion was shared by specialists. “Awantura” received three Golden Globes: for best limited series, anthology or television film and for the leading actors, as well as eight Emmy awards.
Such a great success had to result in a sequel. The scripts for the new “Awantura” are almost ready, and filming is scheduled to start in the next few months. This time we are supposed to watch two couples arguing with each other. The former will be played by Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway, and the latter by Charles Melton and Cailee Spaeny.
We will soon see Gyllenhaal in “Road House” – a new version of the cult “Bouncers” made for Amazon Prime, while Hathaway played the main role in the romantic comedy “Love Without Warning” (together with, among others, Joanna Kulig), the Polish premiere of which is scheduled on March 15. Melton is the star of the Oscar-nominated original screenplay “Obsession,” and Spaeny played the title role in “Priscilla,” which won her an award at last year’s Venice Film Festival.