Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Red suit and beret with antenna. Antoś Szprycha entertained Poles for years

Marek GórskiThat is Antoś Szprycha he was a disco polo star of the 90s. During this time, he recorded hits such as “Memory after kashan”, “Promises of good things” and “Combat mother-in-law”.

“This song was a big hit for a long time for Antoś Szprycha, thanks to whom we had our five minutes” – Górki recalled the song “Memory after Kashan” in an interview for the “Muzyczny Relax” program. The song talked about the problems that appeared after the liquidation of state farms in Poland.

The cabaret group, which also operated under the name Antoś Szprycha, debuted in 1997 on the stage of the Forest Opera in Sopot. The group performed not only in Poland, but also abroad. Among others she had the opportunity to sing for the Canadian Polish community.

They supported the music on stage Ziuta Szprychowa (Justyna Adamczak) and Brother-in-law Mietas (Mieczysław Góra). Ziuta was also the main lyricist of the entire project.

Szprycha – despite a significant decline in popularity (the cabaret branch of disco polo suffered the most when the genre became professional) – did not suspend his activities and continued to create. He recorded, among others: songs “Boski Lewandowski”, “Sex Party” and “Palirura”. A piece about Robert Lewandowski appeared online at the end of February 2016.

“We had an idea from the very beginning. We wanted to discuss topics about people who are not in the limelight. And we also tried to write simple songs for these people,” Szprycha commented in 2015. At that time, Górski said that he had no shortage of topics despite the passage of time, although he was aware that his fame would never return. “Our 5 minutes have passed and we are happy that we had these 5 minutes,” he said.

Górski, in addition to continuing his career, tried to help disco polo bands and lent them a recording studio. As reported by the “NaŻY” newspaper, Szprycha was also a handyman. In the weekly’s issue, he talked about inventing a wind-powered car, which he called a windmill. Despite the ambitious plans of Górski and his bandmate Mieczysław Góra, the project never came to fruition.

On April 25, 2016, the singer suffered a heart attack in a recording studio in Budzyń. The man could not be saved. He was 58 years old.

“He was a wonderful man with a big heart. He never left anyone in need. He always gave others good advice and help, both in making music and in his private life. I will miss him very much,” he told “Super Express” Zbigniew Opałkathe band’s vocalist Bahamas.

“Marek and I knew each other for 20 years. We started our careers together in the 1990s. We made television programs together. We had many joint plans to promote disco polo music, and then suddenly such a misfortune. It’s hard for me to believe that Marek is no longer with us… “- added Opałka.

The singer’s funeral took place on April 29, 2016 in Chodzież. The ceremony was attended by crowds of mourners, including family and friends from the disco polo industry, including the singer Stana Here.