“Y2K” is an American disaster comedy film set in 2024, which is the directorial debut of Kyle Mooney. The script for the film was written by the director and Evan Winter. The A24 production had its world premiere at South by Southwest on March 9, 2024, and will hit American theaters in a few months – December 6, 2024.
The film is about two high school students who they are fighting for survival with electronic devices after sneaking into a New Year’s Eve party on the last night of 1999. The cast includes Jaeden Martell as Eli, Julian Dennison as Danny, Rachel Zegler as Laura, Daniel Zolghadri as CJ and Lachlan Watson as Ash.
The A24 film is produced by Evan Winter, Matt Dines, Alison Goodwin, Jonah Hill, Christopher Storer and Cooper Wehde. In her review for The Hollywood Reporter, critic Lovia Gyarkye wrote: “This is a film of confident performances – with a particularly strong performance by Julian Dennison – and a handful of sharp plot twists in search of a better story.”
We can already admire the exciting movie trailer.
Zegler most recently starred in last year’s “The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Birds and Snakes.” Her upcoming projects include a voice role in the Netflix animated film Spellbound and a starring role in Disney’s live-action version of Snow White.
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