Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

No cash or phone. In this store you can pay with your face

has changed beyond recognition over the last dozen or so years. We have moved from paying in cash and cards to paying contactless, with a smartphone or watch. In fact, some of us no longer carry cash, because transactions can be made using one device, without the need to take out banknotes or coins. Now one more option has come into play. Interestingly, it does not require us to use virtually any device, telephone or gadget.

, although contrary to this there is no question of shopping for one smile. I mean the PayEye system, which is currently being introduced in the Empik store chain. You enter the store, take the products you are interested in from the shelves, go to the special checkout and… That's basically it. The device scans your face and checks your individual biometric code, thus finalizing the payment. Sounds futuristic? Such a solution already exists – and it works.

The technology behind face and eye payments is , which has developed a modern system for verifying identity based on our image. And there is no point in going into technical details, because the whole thing can be compared, for example, to unlocking the phone with your face. Our face is scanned, matched to the database and that's it.

How to use this futuristic system in the Empik store? First, you need to download the application, in which you will provide basic data (name, surname, e-mail address, etc.) and send your selfie. This will be the first step to creating our biometric template. We will then finalize your registration during your first transaction. Then, the previously mentioned unique biometric code with a scan of our face and iris of our eye will be created.

Sounds complicated? and it won't require us to do anything difficult. From the moment of full registration, we will be able to make payments at all EyePOS points.

I won't be surprised if face payment technology is quickly implemented in other stores. For now, suitable sales points can be found in some Empik stores, but who knows – maybe hypermarket chains and others are keen on this method of payment.

The advantage of the solution is definitely that . This makes it possible to use it in other stores without the need for additional registration or creating another profile.