TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Na Wspólnej”: Episode 3831. Damian is unable to talk to his son

Włodek invites Agata and Sinan to the bar. Although they are very happy, their good mood disappears when it turns out that Muszko wants to close down their place. A quarrel breaks out between married couples.

Nalepa doesn't trust the new hospital director. He explains to Kamil that he knows Patrycja from his studies and doesn't understand why she hides it. When a woman faints in the hospital cafeteria, the director helps her. Adamski wonders how the economist knew what to do?

Damian is before talking to Kajetan. Because of this, he cannot concentrate when he and Martyna are looking at an apartment for rent. Ultimately, he gives his son evasive answers. He also asks Monika for a few days to move out. Cieślikowa relieves stress during dinner with Aleksander, a real estate agent she has recently met.

3831st episode “On Wspólna” will be broadcast on Thursday, June 6 at 8:15 p.m. on TVN.

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