TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Na Wspólnej”: Episode 3775. Sławek seriously injured! Will he survive?

Terrified, Renata finds Sławek shot in front of the house. When the ambulance takes him away, Iga appears. Together with Renata, they wait in the hospital corridor at night while doctors try to save Dziedzic. Will Sławek survive? Meanwhile, Robert announces that he will find the bastard who shot his friend. Kaja and Iga must let him in on the Piasecki case.

Grzesiek as Gaia is beautiful and authentic. What he says from the stage about self-acceptance reaches not only the audience, but also his heart. After the performance, he proudly accepts congratulations. In the evening, young Smolny puts on the wig he wore and clearly likes it.

Tymon overhears Gwiazda telling someone on the phone that laying off employees is necessary. Tymon plays the president’s recorded conversation to Smolny – the avalanche starts. Krzysztof and Artur attack the Star. He doesn’t want to listen to them because someone has kidnapped his wife and demands a ransom of 2 million.

3775th episode “On Wspólna” will be broadcast on Monday, February 28 at 8:15 p.m. on TVN.