Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Millionaires”: The musical question did not pose any problems for him. Today he will play for a million!

“Millionaires” is a show broadcast on TVN and hosted by Hubert Urbański. The program has become a cult on Polish television, and each subsequent edition attracts crowds of people willing to play for a million and many TV viewers.

Although some questions are difficult and others quite problematic because they are ambiguous, sometimes the most difficult type of questions arise – those related to music!

Recently, the participants have been doing exceptionally well in “Millionaires” – as many as two competitors reached the question for PLN 250,000. PLN, and the third one will fight for one million today. Mateusz Żaboklicki, because this is him, is a writer from Warsaw. He has written two volumes of poetry and also dabbles in photography.

Like every competitor, he started his adventure with the program with a question for PLN 500, and later he was asked, among others: about what Korean kimchi is, which Polish city was modeled on the “Renaissance model of an ideal city”, and also about the 10-year-old king of Poland. The question for PLN 125,000 was the first one related to music during his playing career.

The participant had to answer:

“Now and Then” will be released in Fall 2023 as the final song:

a) The Beatles

b) the band Led Zeppelin

c) Elvis Presley

d) Michael Jackson

“Although I have never participated in Beatlemania myself, fortunately I have friends whose reactions I have followed and I am completely sure that it is about the band The Beatles“- he said confidently.

Of course, the participant was right and continued playing. After two more questions of a general nature, he reached the most important one – about one million zlotys. He will play for the main prize on Tuesday, March 12.

Let us remind you that for the premiere “Now and Then” fans The Beatles around the world have been waiting for many years. The song had its origins on a demo tape written by him John Lennon from 1977. In 1995, the living Beatles worked on it, adding, among other things: electric and acoustic guitar parts recorded in 1995 by George Harrison.

Over the last two years, he added his new drum part Ringo Starr and he was responsible for the bass, side guitar and piano Paul McCartney.

The journey of Now and Then begins over 45 years ago, when Lennon recorded an unfinished demo with vocals. In 1995, the remaining surviving members of The Beatles tried to work on a rather poor quality recording, but only managed to record a few parts and abandoned the idea. Thanks to the development of artificial intelligence, it was possible to clean the tape to such an extent that only John Lennon’s vocals were heard.

Work will resume in 2022. The recordings for “Now and Then” were initially shrouded in mystery. As he explained Paul McCartney In a documentary recorded especially for the premiere, he personally supervised the recording sessions at Capitol Studios in Los Angeles, where the melancholy strings accompanying the song were recorded. Until the end, the orchestra thought they were recording parts for McCartney’s solo album. He is the creator of orchestration GilesMartinson of the producer of the original Beatles recordings – George Martin.

The touching song, which Beatles fans call “John’s love letter to Paul”, is enriched by a slide guitar solo – so characteristic of George Harrison’s achievements. Paul McCartney played them as a tribute to the musician. Additionally, Paul and Ringo sing backing vocals in the chorus.

The lyrics of the song talk about separation and at the same time assurance of eternal love. “Now and Then” is an expression of respect and appreciation for the often turbulent friendship and brotherly love that united Paul McCartney and Lennon.

Check out the lyrics of The Beatles’ song “Now and Then” on!