TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“M like love” after the holidays: Is she to blame for everything? Strong accusations will be made

After Chodakowski’s sudden disappearance, his mother will go crazy. She will isolate herself from the world and her family. To such an extent that she will not even want to meet anyone on her birthday.

When her younger son Olek (Maurycy Popiel) diagnoses her with an urgent need for a psychiatric consultation, Aleksandra unexpectedly explodes that it’s all Kama’s fault. The reason? Since she appeared in Marcin’s life, only misfortunes have begun…

Shocked, Olek will be outraged by his mother’s accusations, making it clear. He will politely, but firmly, ask for an explanation.

Chodakowska will then tell him what exactly she means. She will remind you that from the very beginning she felt that Kama was not the right girl for Marcin. Dancer, working in nightclubs, contacts with shady shady guys…

The list of accusations against Kama will be long. Aleksandra will end it with a strong statement that if it weren’t for her, Marcin would be with them and everything would be as it was before.

Is it fair to blame Kama for Marcin’s disappearance? Will Chodakowski ever return to the family?

After the summer break, the series “M like love” will be broadcast on Mondays and Tuesdays at 20.55 on TVP2.

Source: AIM