Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Krzysztof Zanussi underwent surgery. An 84-year-old man had hematomas removed

Krzysztof Zanussi was supposed to appear at the screening of the film “Murder in Catamout”, an American-German co-production made in 1974. However, he was unable to make it to the meeting due to an accident that required emergency surgery. As it was later determined, the procedure involved the removal of a hematoma.

According to media reports, the 84-year-old director allegedly hit his head, which contributed to the appearance of hematomas that had to be removed surgically. Now the director himself has spoken out about his health condition.

“As you can see, I have changed my appearance a bit, or rather my hairstyle, and the lack of hair on my head cannot even be called a hairstyle. And it is not a pursuit of fashion or a desire to look younger, just a trace of the fact that I underwent surgery. Apparently I have some serious threat, trouble,” Zanussi said.

Even though the recording concerned a serious health and life-threatening situation, the director approached the hospital reality with curiosity and jokingly admitted that he hoped that on his 85th birthday he would have hair again. The director's round anniversary will take place on June 17.