Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Krzysztof Rutkowski will be the hero of a Hollywood movie. He will be played by Tom Cruise and his son Krzysztof

Rutkowski started his career in the Citizens’ Militia, later he was the director of a security agency until he founded his own detective agency.

He collaborated with TVN television in the production of the program “Detective”, who documented selected investigations conducted by his agency. As an actor, he also appeared in the series “Pawnshop. Życie pod zastaw”. He also has a not very successful political career and many court cases behind him.

In 2010 he lost his detective license. His media figure is known for numerous controversies.

Recently, information appeared about the actor’s life a high-budget Hollywood production is to be madeperhaps even based on Rutkowski’s autobiography written by Krzysztof Pyzio – “Detective Rutkowski. The True Story”. In the book we will find the backstage of the biggest operations organized by the celebrity’s detective agency.

Super Express has learned that talks on the film are ongoing. Rutkowski, his wife Maja and son, Krzysztof Jr., are to travel to the States at the end of the holidays to meet with a detective colleague. Krzysztof Gojdź is an intermediary in the talks because he knows the leading filmmakers in Hollywood.

I will be the main coordinator of this production. Maybe I’ll play myself, but it depends on many factors. I would love for Krzysztof junior to play me from my youth, because he is similar to me. It will depend on the producer whether he wants a completely English-language film or whether there will be some Polish inserts, e.g. like in “The Pianist”, says Rutkowski.

The famous detective admits that he would not like to spoil the film with his poor English, so he agreed to an American actor who would play his character.

“Krzysiek Gojdź has contacts to a whole host of Hollywood stars, so he will certainly help in selecting an American actor for my role. Tom Cruise could play the adult Rutkowski, because he is similar in age. If not him, then surely someone good will be found. Maybe even someone from outside the top, who would be able to handle it and it would be the role of his life,” the star confesses.

“The choice will be difficult because There isn’t a woman as beautiful as Maja in all of Hollywood, but we’ll deal with it” – admits Rutkowski.

See also: The biggest Polish stars in the movie “Team A(A)”. One of the actresses is hard to recognize