Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Jan AP Kaczmarek will be buried in Krakow. Has a funeral date been set?

“Not many people know, but Jan (AP Kaczmarek – ed.) was from Krakow, here he founded a second family, here he fought for his life and here we want him to be buried. Together with two other film festivals in Krakow, i.e. Mastercard Off Camera and the Krakow Festival We have asked President Aleksander Miszalski to honor the composer with a burial in the Avenue of Merit and I hope it will happen,” said Robert Piaskowski, artistic director of the just-started 17th Film Music Festival, at a press conference on Wednesday.

Piaskowski also expressed thanks from Aleksandra Twardowska-Kaczmarek, the artist's wife, to the entire film music festival community, the media and everyone who supported Jan AP Kaczmarek's family in the last difficult moments.

Special thanks were given to the staff of the University Hospital and the hospice where the composer stayed. The composer's widow agreed to the state funeral. There is no decision of the city authorities yet regarding burial in the Avenue of Merit and the date of the funeral has not been set.

During the press conference, Piaskowski emphasized that the organizers and participants of this event pay tribute to the artist, and the festival is also the legacy of the deceased composer. As he recalled, last year the festival celebrated the composer's birthday.

“He was the guardian spirit of an entire generation or several generations of young composers. He was their master, inspirer, motivator, and he brought us a bit of the Hollywood American dream that the sky is the limit,” said the FMF director at the conference in Krakow. “Janek will be with us with his music, and as the director of this festival, I can promise that I will always take care of his music,” he added.

The 17th Film Music Festival will last in Krakow until Sunday, May 26.