Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

He is a legend of Polish metal. Grzegorz Kupczyk reveals details of his solo album

Musical career Grzegorz Kupczyk is well over 40 years old. He gained greatest fame as the group's vocalist Turbo, with which he recorded such groundbreaking albums for Polish metal as, among others, “Adult Children” or “Satan's Cavalry”. Since 1989, he has been leading his own team CETI, with which he continues to this day and has released 12 studio albums. He also cooperated with such formations as, among others: Aion, Panzer X, Esqarial, Kruk and Non Iron.

On May 13, the singer will release a solo album titled simply with his name and surname.

The material was recorded in MP Studio in Częstochowa and is a kind of culmination of Grzegorz Kupczyk's many years of stage presence, but at the same time – the beginning of his new path. All the pieces were created during four days of work at the Community Center in Narewka.

The vocalist is accompanied by a guitarist and the main composer Paweł “Gunsess” Oziabło (since 2016 musician Closed Ward), bassist Grzegorz “Ornette” Stępień (in 2002-2020 he played in the Closed Branch) and drummer Łukasz Marek. Let us add that Oziabło and Stępień support Kupczyk also in… Adult Children's Orchestra.

“I am giving you the first album with my name on it, on which you will hear ten completely new songs. I have been planning to do this for several years, and only 4 years ago, at the insistence of Grzesiek Stępień, I started to think about it seriously. Grzegorz suggested the participation of Paweł and Łukasz, and this turned out to be the case. hit the bull's eye, because they are not only great companions, but also excellent musicians. Their cheerfulness and joy of life as well as a free approach to creativity resulted in this material,” says Grzegorz Kupczyk.

Kupczyk, Stępień and. are responsible for the texts Tomek Staszczykwho previously helped with previous CETI albums.

“She also accepted my invitation Magdalena Kupczyk (singer's wife) i Maria 'Marihuana' Wietrzykowska (playing keyboards in CETI, currently outside the band for health reasons), which adds a unique atmosphere. As usual, Marysia introduces something elusive and magical with her voice. Another Kupczyk? Perhaps, although being true to myself, I didn't want to break away from what I love most in music,” the singer emphasizes.

1. “Impromptu” (instrumental)
2. “Emigrant”
3. “Owl”
4. “Sexysen”
5. “Rubicon”
6. “The Rainmaker”
7. “Cassandra's Head”
8. “Edi”
9. “Thoughts and Clouds”
10. “Speaking of Love.”