Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Grand Prix Komeda: Who is the best film music composer in Poland?

Eight composers made it to the finals of the competition Komeda Grand Prix for the Best Music in a Polish Feature Film. We'll find out who wins June 15 in Ostrów Wielkopolski. Then – during 13th Film Festival Krzysztof Komeda – we will know the verdict of the five-person jury: Tomasz Lach (chairman), Katarzyna Figura, Dorota Kędzierzawska, Jan Kanty Pawluśkiewicz and Michał Urbaniak.

This year, eight composers were nominated for the competition, who created music for seven Polish productions. Here they are, in alphabetical order:

Bartosz Chajdeckiauthor of music for the film “Little Rose 2” – dir. Jan Kidawa-Błoński,
Radzimir Dębskiauthor of music for the film “Woman with…” – dir. Małgorzata Szumowska, Michał Englert,
Mary Komasa, Antoni Komasa-Łazarkiewiczauthors of music for the film “Kajtek the Wizard” – dir. Magdalena Łazarkiewicz,
Łukasz Rostkowski – LUCauthor of music for the film “Peasants” – dir. D. K. Welchman, Hugh Welchman,
Andrzej Smolikauthor of music for the film “Imago” – dir. Olga Chajdas,
Mikołaj Trzaskaauthor of music for the film “Blackbird” – dir. Paweł Maślona,
Zbigniew Zamachowskiauthor of music for the film “The Jesters” – dir. Gabriela Muskała.

All competing films will be presented at the festival. The shows will start on June 12 and last until June 14. After the screenings, there will also be an opportunity to talk to the creators – the authors of the music, directors and actors appearing in the film.

He was this year's winner of the Komeda Grand Prix for Lifetime Achievement Włodek Pawlik. The award will be presented during the finale of the film festival in Ostrów Wielkopolski.

Włodek Pawlik is a world-famous jazz pianist and composer, winner of a Grammy Award for his album “Night in Calisia” in the “The Best Jazz Large Ensemble” category. His achievements include 44 original albums, a number of works of film music and orchestral compositions, and the albums reach gold and platinum status on the market. He composed music for award-winning films “Crows” and “Time to Die” by Dorota Kędzierzawskafor the movie “Reverse” in dir. Borys Lankoszas well as international productions.

“We are happy that in addition to the Grammy Award for the album 'Night in Calisia', the Eagle and the award for music at the festival in Gdynia, next to the Fryderyk Award and the Corypheus of Music statuette, in June the collection of Włodzimierz Pawlik's fame and glory will be enriched with the Komeda Grand Prix – Award for Lifetime Achievement,” he says Łukasz Maciejewski, artistic director of Grand Prix Komeda.

The Komeda Grand Prix for Lifetime Achievement has been awarded at the film festival in Ostrów Wielkopolski since 2018, since the 7th edition. It is presented during the final gala. During the event, viewers will see a film Borys Lankosz “Reverse” (June 11) and “Time to Die” by Dorota Kędzierzawska (June 14).

It is worth adding that Włodek Pawlik will also be present at the festival during the annual debate of the film community, led by Łukasz Maciejewski. This time it will be held under the slogan “>>Soundtrack live<< - the phenomenon of live film music".

13th Komeda Grand Prix. Film Festival Krzysztof Komeda takes place from June 10 to 15 in Ostrów Wielkopolski. The event will also include: special screenings, meetings with cinema creators, meetings with authors focused on books, workshops, an exhibition, a debate and concerts: a recital by Zbigniew Zamachowski and – for the finale – “Korzyński Ultimate” by Dominik Strycharski with the participation of a special guest appointed for this occasion. Mr. Korzyński Academy Team.