“Golden Boy” is a Turkish series that tells the story of young Ferit. A handsome boy likes to have fun and doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions. His carefree approach to life causes him to hurt his loved ones. The senior of the family, Halis, intends to turn the boy into a real man. Will he be able to change the rebellious Ferit?
Seyran struggles with stress after discovering the truth about the contraceptives she was given. The difficult times are made worse by the fact that her father takes it out on her. Pelin returns to the apartment, where her mother asks her about the conversation with Ferit. She is worried that the boy will hurt her daughter again. Pelin tells her that she sincerely loves him.
Ferit argues with his wife. She is going to go out with Abidine to relieve her stress. They go together to a club where they don’t limit themselves to alcohol. Ferit’s night out is another excuse for Kazim to take it out on his daughter.
Ferit finds out that Pelin intends to go to the doctor to perform an ultrasound examination. He wants to accompany her.
Drunk Ferit returns to the mansion. Unconscious tells Ifakat the truth about Pelin’s pregnancy. The woman warns Seyran about this.
The next day, Ifakat meets with Sultan. She tells the former maid what to say to fix the situation. Ifakat tries to bribe her so that the woman will complete the task assigned to her. When that doesn’t work, he starts threatening her.
Sultan comes to the residence. Kazim takes advantage of the situation to talk to the woman. He thinks he knows the truth. He then goes to Ferit to talk some sense into him. He blackmails him – he says that he will tell Seyran the truth about all the boy’s lies if he doesn’t do what Kazim tells him to do. He wants Seyran not to go to college and to get pregnant as soon as possible.
Seyran and Dicle move out of the house. Ferit takes his wife to class. However, Seyran runs away from the university and calls his mother-in-law.
Nukhet’s son gets into a fight in the street. Halis finds out about Ifakt’s actions. He is outraged by her behavior – he hits her and threatens to throw her out of the house.
Seyran and Gulgan they meet Sultan at a restaurant and ask the woman to tell them the truth.
Ifakat tells Kazim about Suna and Kay’s meeting. Outraged, Kazim rushes into Kay’s room and sees the couple kissing. Ferit arrives at the address given by Seyran and is surprised to see Sultan there. He confesses the painful truth about his past.
Kazim, outraged by his daughter’s behavior, attacks Kay. Terrified, Suna runs away, but her father catches up with her and attacks her. Seyran’s mother calls and tells her that Suna has run away from home.
Sultan thinks that after completing the task, she is free to leave. But Nukhet tells her to do one thing before she leaves.
When Seyran and Ferit return to the mansion, they try to figure out what happened. The couple is surprised when Kaya says she wants to marry Suna. Ferit ridicules his cousin’s intentions and is outraged by Suna’s behavior. He tells her that he is going to tell Abi the truth about what kind of person he is.
Ifakat calls Sultan to threaten her again. What he doesn’t know is that the maid is recording everything. Zerrin talks to his brother – he tells him that Pelin got pregnant without marriage. This is unacceptable for a man. He becomes furious and forbids his sister and niece from leaving the house so that they do not bring disgrace on him.. Nukhet hires a journalist to prepare an article about the scandal in the Korhan family.
The series “Golden Boy” is broadcast on TVP 1 from Monday to Friday at 2:00 p.m. You will be able to watch new episodes:
- “Golden Boy” episode 140 – on Monday, March 18,
- “Golden Boy” episode 141 – on Tuesday, March 19,
- “Golden Boy” episode 142 – on Wednesday, March 20,
- “Golden Boy” episode 143 – on Thursday, March 21,
- “Golden Boy” episode 144 – on Friday, March 22.
All episodes shown so far can also be seen on the TVP VOD streaming platform.