TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

George RR Martin Is Not Happy. Comments on Season 2 of “Blood of the Dragon”

Reasons for a second season “The Dragon’s Kin” was a disappointment, you can multiply. Elio Garcia, author of the website revealed that like most modern series, the second season of the series was supposed to consist of ten episodes. However, before filming began, HBO decided to “cut” two episodes without giving the creators a chance to improve the script, which contributed to the interruption of the action.

The actual finale will only be seen in Season 3, and that has enraged fans. Additionally, we have received information that we will have to wait two years for the next episodes, and Season 4 will be the last.

George RR Martin also has reservations, thus joining the ranks of the dissatisfied. On his blog, he announced a post commenting on all the shortcomings of the adaptation.

“I’m not looking forward to the post I have to write about everything that went wrong with ‘Blood of the Dragon,’ but I have to do it, and I will.”

Fans seem a bit surprised by this statement, as Martin is one of the show’s executive producers and recently praised the fourth episode of Season 2 on his blog.

The author of bestselling novels did not provide a specific date for the publication of his post.
