“First love” is a Polish drama series, the action of which takes place primarily in Wrocław and the nearby village of Wadlewo. Initially it focused on the love story of Marysia and Paweł, but over time the series also covered the story of their families and friends. Currently, the fate of the heroes has been followed by thousands of viewers in Poland for 20 years. The action of the series is filled with dramatic twists that keep you in suspense and make it difficult to wait for the next episode. Fortunately, we know what will happen in episodes 3760-3761 scheduled for broadcast. Check it out!
In episode 3760 of “First Love” viewers will be able to follow the dramatic fate of Emilka and Bartek and their newborn daughter. A difficult childbirth and a doctor’s diagnosis are not the end of the characters’ problems. The parents of Marcin – Emilka’s ex-husband – appear on the horizon and believe that the couple’s daughter is actually the daughter of the deceased Marcin. They intend to apply for the opportunity to participate in her upbringing. Emilka thinks that all this is a punishment for forgetting her dead husband too quickly.
In the meantime, Arek discovers further unclear facts about the activities of the senior care home. He suspects that Marta and Piotrek have something in common.
In episode 3761 of “First Love”, the action does not slow down. Seweryn is severely beaten and has to be taken to hospital. On the way, he notices Zenon Kazan through the ambulance window – a man he supposedly killed and is serving a sentence for. He suspects that the beating was closely related to this.
Marta has a big dilemma. She wonders if it’s possible that she can have the same love for two men at the same time. In turn, Julita is getting into more and more financial problems related to the sale of Barbarian. The gangster sent by Sebastian does not leave her alone and continues to harass her.
“First Love” is broadcast on Polsat TV every day from Monday to Friday at 6:00 p.m. You can watch episodes 3760-3761 in order on Thursday, February 22 and Friday, February 23.
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