On Friday, June 14, TVP1 will present the first episode of the third season of the popular series “Game to the Max“. This comedy series shows funny episodes from the lives of thirty-year-olds, Maks and Ali, whose adventures are commented on by sports commentator Jacek Laskowski and former Polish representative Jakub Wawrzyniak. The series' broadcast coincides with European Football Championship 2024.
The first episode, titled “Strong Opening”, will bring great emotions. Ala will surprise Maks with information about a positive pregnancy test, which means that their team will have a new member. “Game for Max”, although it refers to football, is primarily a social story addressed to a wide range of viewers, not only sports fans – we read in a statement from TVP.
In the series, apart from Karolina Baci and Marcin Korcz as the main characters, the series will feature, among others: Radosław Pazura, Mateusz Lewandowski, Bartłomiej Magdziarz, Dorota Chotecka, Hubert Skrzyński and Justyna Ducka. The director of “Gra na Maxa” is Jan Macierewicz.
“Game to the Max” is a series that debuted on TVP in 2021 during Euro 2020, and later returned at the end of 2022 during the World Cup in Qatar. In previous seasons, Jacek Laskowski and Sebastian Mila commented on the characters' lives.
- June 14: “Strong opening” at 20:15 on TVP1
- June 16: “Fan's Song” at 2:20 p.m. on TVP1
- June 17: “Player on tests” at 14:20 on TVP1
- June 18: “Mr. Judge” at 8:10 p.m. on TVP2
- June 19: “Zachcianki” at 2:20 p.m. on TVP1
- June 20: “Ladder of names” at 2:20 p.m. on TVP1
- June 21: “Action: secret shipment” at 2:20 p.m. on TVP1
- June 22: “Memories and emotions” at 2:20 p.m. on TVP1
- June 23: “A girl who knows” at 17:45 on TVP2
- June 24: “Strefa Skorpiona” at 12:00 on TVP1
- June 25: “It can't work. Or can it?” at 20:40 on TVP1
- June 26: “Men's simulation” at 17:20 on TVP2
- June 29: “Everything in the family” at 17:20 on TVP2
- June 30: “Fajna Basia” at 17:20 on TVP2
- July 1: “Wdech-wydech” at 17:20 on TVP2
- July 2: “Good advice” at 17:20 on TVP2
- July 5: “Tactics of the future” at 5:20 p.m. on TVP2
- July 6: “Renovation of the socket” at 17:20 on TVP2
- July 9: “Dress rehearsal” at 7:30 p.m. on TVP2
- July 10: “Active recreation” at 7:30 p.m. on TVP2
- July 14: “Grand Finale” at 5:15 p.m. on TVP2
The series consists of 21 episodes, each lasting approximately 5 minutes. The premiere episode will be broadcast on Friday, June 14 at 20:15 on TVP1, just before the opening match of Euro 2024 between Germany and Scotland. New episodes will be broadcast on TVP1 and TVP2, and replays will also appear on TVP Sport.
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