Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Elżbieta Zapendowska withdrew from show business due to health problems

Elżbieta Zapendowska gained enormous popularity thanks to participation in TV programs such as “Idol”, “Must be the music” and “How They Sing”.

Sharp remarks and accurate observations quickly became her trademark.

Zapendowska has been struggling with serious ailments for years. She lost sight in one eye and additionally struggles with myopia, cataracts and glaucoma. In an interview with Plejada, the critic admitted that she had health problems are so advanced that there is no help for her.

“I'm blind in one eye and I've come to terms with it. I'm not hysterical. I got used to the fact that I was losing my sight. Recently I visited a recommended doctor and heard from her: 'If this had happened to you about 20 years ago, we would have operated on you. Not anymore'” – said Zapendowska.

Elżbieta Zapendowska's fans have noticed that she has not appeared at public events or in the media for some time. Her absence is directly related to her deteriorating health condition. Zapendowska admits that living with limited vision is difficult for her, but she tries to accept this situation.

“Nothing will help my case anymore. I can't really function on my own anymore, but I have a few friends and a few close people who support me in this sense of life.” – she said.