Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Dawid Kwiatkowski made a tattoo in a fan's car

Dawid Kwiatkowski has been recognizable on the Polish music scene for over a decade. At the beginning of his career, he appeared in the program “Must Be The Music”, which helped him take his first steps.

The singer's first hit was the single “Let's run”. Later, Kwiatkowski released songs such as “Forever” and “You're not going to change me”. Now he is promoting his latest album “Popromantyk”.

He was a juror for a long time The Voice Kids. Recently he was offered a red chair in the next edition The Voice of Polandbut it is not known whether he accepted it.

There is no denying that Dawid Kwiatkowski has a lot of fans who can queue in front of the club for hours to be in the first rows in front of the stage. The artist values ​​relationships with them very much, which is why he organizes meetings after the concert.

On the artist's TikTok, you can see that users began to challenge the singers. One of them was: “you don't have the nerve to queue with us before the concert.”

Kwiatkowski accepted the challenge and published a recording of how he actually did it goes out to the fans queuing in front of the club, most likely P23 in Katowice. The singer came with cups of warm tea and also played cards. There was also time for autographs.

The last published challenge was: “you don't have the mind to get a tattoo with us in my car.” On June 2, documentation of the entire event appeared on TikTok. Dawid Kwiatkowski got into the car with a fan who gave him a washable tattoo. It cannot be denied that listeners are delighted with the gestures of their favorite artist.