Title Broadchurch is a seaside town in Great Britain. The peace of the local community is disturbed by the shocking murder of 11-year-old Danny Latimer. Everyone is a suspect, everyone has something to hide. The atmosphere is heated by the media, which not only disturbs the mourning of the distraught family, but also harms the investigation. It is led by Alec Hardy (David Tennant), a detective sent from Sandbrook who is extremely difficult to work with, and is assisted by Sergeant Ellie Miller (OliviaColman), privately a friend of the murdered boy’s mother.
Series “Mindhunter“ was based on the book “Mindhunter. Secrets of the Elite FBI Unit” by Mark Olshaker and John E. Douglas. The main characters are FBI agents: the untamed and overzealous Holden Ford (Jonathan Groff) and the calm and decisive Bill Tench (Holt McCallany).
The action takes place in the 1970s. The heroes cooperate with the greatest criminal “beasts” in the history of the United States, who are serving a sentence in prison for monstrous crimes. The agents’ goal is to psychoanalyze serial killers and develop prosecution methods.
The series “Mindhunter” is available on Netflix.
Series “Mare of Easttown” talks about Mare Sheehan (Kate Winslet), a small-town Pennsylvania cop who investigates a local murder while coping with her own life falling apart.
The story delves into the dark sides of a close-knit community and attempts to analyze how family and past tragedies can define our present.
The remaining roles are played by: Julianne Nicholson, Jean Smart, Angourie Rice and Evan Peters.
The series “Mare of Easttown” is available on HBO Max.
The main character “Rojsta“Piotr Zarzycki (David Gardener) is a journalist who, in the dark times of the Polish People’s Republic, moves to a town where a series of unexplained brutal murders take place. While investigating the case, the heroes discover shady local connections. The action of the second season takes place in the 1990s, and the background for the events is the “flood of the millennium”. The investigation focuses on the unexplained death of a teenager.
The third and final season – “Rojst. Millenium” – will debut soon.
The series “Rojst” is available on Netflix.
The action of the series “Fall” is happening in Northern Ireland. Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) is an ambitious and intelligent policewoman who is completely devoted to her work. The woman is sent by the London facility to Belfast. Her task is to catch a cruel serial killer who chooses his next victims in cold blood.
The series combines elements of a psychological thriller with moral threads. The action focuses on an ambitious detective, but the viewer also has the opportunity to meet the murderer – Paul Spector – played by Jamie Dornan. There is a subtle game going on between the characters, and during the police investigation we learn intriguing stories from the lives of the victims’ families and the murderer.
The series “The Fall” is available on Netflix and Prime Video.
Read more: “Detective: Nightland” with record viewership. Critic reviews are mixed