TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Colors of Happiness” after the holidays: There will be a lot of confusion. We know what will happen!

Rawiczowa will see photos of her alleged grandson and decide that the little one looks exactly like her son when he was his age. She will be one hundred percent sure that Czarek’s father is Cezary.

Celina will ask her client directly what she intends to do. Józefina will tell her that she must act because, as a grandmother, she has the right to contact her grandson.

Brońska will state that paternity cannot be established based on photos. Rawiczowa will state that she is aware of this, which is why she intends to take the matter to court, and in an urgent procedure. Her face will fall a little when the detective informs her that only two people can file a paternity application: the mother or the father of the child, and considering that Sofia is unlikely to be interested in this, only Cezary is left.

Josephine will begin to shake with nerves because she will realize that she has to bring her son from India, and yet she did not tell him that he was most likely the father. Celina will comfort her by reminding her that under Polish law, an action to establish paternity is not limited by any deadlines. However, her words will affect Rawiczowa like a red rag to a bull. The woman will decide that she doesn’t have a moment to lose.

“Sofia may go somewhere… disappear… And where will we look for her then?” – he will say.

On the same day, Józefina will contact her son to ask when he will come to Poland. It turns out that Cezary has a lot of work, is developing a project and is unlikely to appear in the country anytime soon.

Rawiczowa, now knowing where she stands, will decide – as she informs Celina – to secure evidence that, in the event of Sofia’s disappearance, her son could use in court when he returns from India.

We reveal that Brońska will find out which health clinic Sofia goes to with her son, and even when her next appointment is scheduled. Józefina will decide to act. She will go to the clinic and come face to face with Cezary’s ex-fiancée…

Will she be able to outsmart Sofia and stealthily obtain the “genetic material” she is interested in, in the form of a saliva pacifier or a boy’s hair? How will little Czarek’s mother react when Rawiczowa stands in her way?

For the premiere episodes “Colors of happiness” TVP2 invites you after the holidays. The series will be broadcast daily from Monday to Friday at 20:10.

During the holidays, fans of the series can watch reruns of episodes from season 17. Telewizja Dwójka invites you to watch them every day from Monday and Friday at 11:50 and 19:35.