TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Clan”: Episode 4358. They are already married! The story of their relationship is perfect for a movie

Let us remind you that a year ago, a man from earlier in the person of Waldemar Dymka unexpectedly appeared in Dżesika Cebula's life. Darek (Dariusz Lewandowski), the then cohabitant of the famous influencer, then demanded detailed explanations.

It turned out that after one of the discos, Dżesika ended up in Waldek's apartment. Nine months later, Dżastinek was born.

At that time, Dżesika did not want to get involved with her son's biological father because he did not look like Brad Pitt, did not wear fashionable clothes and did not have a fat wallet. In addition, he sold equipment and things found in the trash at the bazaar.

As soon as Cebulówna discovered that she was pregnant, she left for the capital. She told her one-time lover about the child, but at the same time told him that she could handle everything on her own.

Eleven years later, the wealthy and elegant Dymka found her on the Internet and decided to do something that he had previously refrained from doing for reasons he did not understand – meet his son.

Fate made Dżesika and Waldemar become a couple again. Of course, there were many adventures along the way. Ultimately, Dymka decided to marry the crazy Internet star, although she admitted with disarming honesty that she did not love him and was only with him for convenience.

Waldek – to Dżastinek's delight – appreciated her truthfulness and playing fair cards.

We will find out after the holidays whether Dżesika and Waldek's marriage will be happy.

We would like to inform you that the 4358th episode of “Klan” by TVP1 will be broadcast on Monday, September 2 at 17.55.

Source: AIM