“Black Doves” is announced as an action-packed thriller about friendship and sacrifice. In the production we will follow the fate of three characters, and the cast is really great: Keira Knightley, Sarah Lancashire, Ben Whishaw.
“Black Doves” is a TV series set during Christmas in London a strong, action-packed story about friendship and sacrifice. The main character is Helen Webb (Keira Knightley) – a smart, businesslike woman spy who devotes herself to the role of wife and mother. For 10 years she has been passing on her husband's political secrets to the mysterious organization he works for: Black Doves. When her secret lover Jason (Andrew Koji) is murdered, her superior, the enigmatic Reed (Sarah Lancashire), calls on Helen's old friend to protect her.
Netflix has just announced who else is in the cast of the new series. The production will also feature Adeel Akhtar, known from this year's hit platform, the series “You Can't Fool Me Anymore”, Finn Bennett (“Detective: Nightmare”), Luther Ford (“The Crown”) and the legendary actress Tracey Ullman.
Although the first mentions of the series appeared in February, no official premiere date has been announced yet. We know that the series will definitely appear on the platform in 2024.