“Avatar: The Last Airbender” is a unique story about four nations that have lived together in peace and harmony for a long time. The Avatar took care of this: an emissary of ancient spirits who controlled all four elements. The world changed completely as the Fire Nation wanted more power and influence. The first step towards world conquest was the destruction of the Air Nomads – peaceful monks living in the mountains. The avatar, who was only 12 years old at the time, went missing and for a long time it was unknown what happened to him.
The first attempts to film this beloved animation were a dismal failure and for a long time no one wanted to make another one. The announcements raised hopes that this time it would be successful. And although critics are divided, viewers support it. A few days after its premiere, the series is extremely popular on Netflix. As of February 22, it has been viewed over 21 million times. Thus, it jumped to first place in the top 10 most watched series in the world. The production was appreciated by viewers from as many as 92 countries. In Poland, “Avatar” was second only to the series “One day”.