Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Alfonso Cuaron didn’t want to make a Bond movie. What happened?

Four-time Oscar winner, Alfonso Cuaronrecently admitted that he was once close to directing the next part of the James Bond series. However, he refused, and this happened after a meeting with Joel Coenco-creator “No country for old men”.

The Mexican director directed a series for the Apple TV+ streaming platform “Rectification”With Cate Blanchett in the main role. During a meeting with viewers at the festival in Marrakech, the creator revealed some interesting facts about his career.

“Ages ago I got an offer to direct a Bond movie. I thought it was great and maybe it would be cool to direct such a project. When the whole process started and I was getting ready to shoot dialogue scenes etc., it turned out that the action scenes were handled by a separate company. band. It was very strange. I had a problem with it. At a meeting with Joel Coen, I asked him what he thought about the Bond films. He said he wouldn’t like to direct any, but I wouldn’t want to shoot them. Then I realized that I only like watching some films,” PAP quotes Cuaron’s words.

Festival viewers also asked about the film “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”which is considered the best film of the series. The director did not hide the fact that he decided to do it for financial reasons.
“I had no job and my child was about to be born. I was offered the opportunity to direct this film, but I didn’t know anything about Harry Potter at that time,” said the director. The fact that he decided to do this production then caused his American career to develop rapidly.