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Adriana Kalska finally said it. What does he think about Iza's plot in “M jak miłość”?

Born in Słupsk Adriana Kalska is an actress well known to Polish TV viewers. She gained the audience's sympathy thanks to her appearance in the TVN7 series “Good luck papers“. Some time ago, viewers eagerly followed the fate of her heroine, Iza, in Poles' favorite series, “M like love“. However… for a while. Not everyone liked the way Chodakowska's story was presented…

Adriana Kalska and Mikołaj Roznerski they had been a couple for several years; the first mentions of the actors' fiery feelings began to appear in 2018. Both Kalska and Roznerski maintained their privacy throughout their relationship, speaking sparingly about their private lives, which is why statements relating to circulating rumors were rare. There was no shortage of these on social media – from time to time they appeared, among others: reports about engagements, weddings and crises in the actors' relationships. Some of them ultimately turned out to be true.

In January 2022 Adriana Kalska confirmed that her relationship with Mikołaj Roznerski is now history.

“I will speak about this once and for the last time. Yes, it is true. In mid-December, Mikołaj and I broke up. Breakups are not easy for anyone (…)” – reported Kalska. The actors' breakup and attempts to forget about the bad moments were additionally made difficult by work .

Kalska and Roznerski have been playing together in “M jak miłość” for years, and their characters, despite their turbulent lives, were a loving married couple with two children. When the actors broke up in their private lives, fans of the production immediately noticed that their dislike for each other was also visible in the series. Viewers pointed out that there was no chemistry between Marcin and Iza anymore.

The scriptwriters throw further obstacles at the characters played by Kalska and Roznerski. Their relationship was going through a serious crisis, which ended with… betrayal. Ultimately, Chodakowska chose a lover and left her husband. He, in turn, began to build his life alongside… an erotic dancer.

Some time ago, viewers expressed dissatisfaction with the way the creators handled the plot of their favorite couple. They expressed their emotions in the comments under the stars' and productions' posts. Fans of the series admitted that they were fed up with the couple going through constant crises and even called for the removal of… the characters from the series! This did not happen, but we now see the actors less and less often on screen together.

A few days ago, Adriana Kalska posted on Instagram post on the occasion of Theater Day. In the comments section, one of the followers decided to ask the actress about her character's plot in “M jak miłość”.

“You are a nice woman, a good actress and a beautiful voice, why do you agree to such an idiotic script and role in MjM?” – was the observer's comment.

Kalska replied: “thank you 🙂 unfortunately I have no influence on the script… this is my role, I do my best to defend it on screen, but some things cannot be avoided… 😉 I understand that not everyone likes this role, but at least it arouses emotions haha ​​;)” – we read.

The fan did not give up and added: “the screenwriter is quite twisted”, which also did not go unanswered by the actress. “I understand your opinion. And please believe me, sometimes I would prefer it to look different 😉 best regards,” Kalska concluded.

For many, her comment is a clear signal that she also does not like the way Iza Chodakowska's story was handled.

Read more: This is the end of “Good Luck Papers”. Adriana Kalska says goodbye to the series