Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Youth and Film 2024: The only festival of its kind in Poland! Who will rate the best debuts?

During this year's edition Youth and Film Koszalin Film Debuts Festival There will be as many as five jury panels that will evaluate films in the following competitions:
Full-Length Feature Debut Competition,
Feature Documentary Debuts Competition,
Short Film Debuts Competition,
Filmed Competition at Teatroteka.
The jury of the Arthouse Cinema Network will also award its prize.

ABOUT Great Jantarthe main prize in Full-Length Feature Debut Competition10 films will compete:
“The Jesters”, dir. Gabriela Muskała
“Camper”, dir. Łukasz Suchocki – Polish premiere
“If you want peace, prepare for war”, dir. Agnieszka Elbanowska
“Do rabbits have souls?”, dir. Hubert Czerepok – premiere
“Game Over”, dir. Paweł Powolny – premiere, micro-budget
“Horror Story”, dir. Adrian Apanel
“Scream”, dir. Ewa Wikieł – Polish premiere
“Absolutely nothing”, dir. Grzegorz Dębowski
“Ultima Thule”, dir. Klaudiusz Chrostowski, microbudget
“All hope lies in them”, dir. Piotr Biedroń, microbudget

Among the movies documentaries, portraying a hero or a cause, creative documentaries or found footage are increasingly making their presence felt. In category short films feature, documentary and animated shorts will be presented.

Jury of the Full-Length Feature Debut Competition this year they will deliberate under the chairmanship Sławomir Fabicki – director, screenwriter, author of the films “Z Odzysku”, “Miłość” and the famous “Fear” with Magdalena Cielecka and Marta Nieradkiewicz, as well as the series “Szadź”, “Ultraviolet” and “Commissioner Alex”. The jury's work will also include: the author of set design, interior decoration and installation Elwira Plutaculture expert, journalist and reporter Paulina Reiteractress, author, performer, lecturer, singer Marta Malikowska (series “Infamia”, “Skazana”, “Mecenas Porada”) and cinematographer Tomasz Naumiuk.

The jury of the Full-Length Documentary Debuts Competition is: director and screenwriter of feature and documentary films Marta Minorowicz (chairwoman), cameraman and photographer Piotr Jaxadirector of feature and documentary films, screenwriter, producer Natalia Koryncka-Gruz (“Simona”, “Amok”), author and co-author of over twenty reportage books Piotr Lipiński and director and screenwriter Anna Zamecka (“Communion”).

Jurors of the Short Film Debuts Competition is: director and screenwriter Łukasz Ronduda (chairman, author of the films “Heart of Love”, “All Our Fears”), screenwriter, writer, director, photographer, playwright and actor Igor Brejdygantactress Karolina Bruchnicka (“The Coach's Daughter”, “Supersisters”), documentary film director and teacher Maciej Cuske (“The Whale from Lorino”, “Stacja Warszawa”, “Far from the City”) and director and host of film workshops Julia Orlik.

Jury of the Filmed Competition at Teatroteka is a director, screenwriter and author of theater plays Beata Dzianowicz (chairwoman, author of the film “Strępy”), actress Kamilla Baar (series “Blood”, “Sortownia”, “Echo Nasze”) and director, playwright and academic teacher Thomas Man.

Jurors of the Arthouse Cinema Association will be: Anna Równy (Fenomen Cinema in the Provincial Cultural Center in Kielce), Małgorzata Janina Lietz (Kino Kosmos in Katowice) i Michał Chabiera (Warsaw's Kinoteka PKiN).

The 43rd edition of the Youth and Film festival will take place on June 10-15 in Koszalin.