Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Young women as “nepo babies” have it worse? That’s what Emma Roberts says

In Hollywood, it is difficult to make a career on your own, and it is much easier when you have the support of someone from your family who has already gained recognition in the eyes of critics and viewers. From time to time, the topic of the famous “nepo babies” who benefit from the acting privileges of a famous family comes back to us. He undoubtedly belongs to the “nepo” group Emma Roberts, who is the niece of Julia Roberts. Emma Roberts commented on the clear division in the group of “nepo” children – as it turns out, not everyone is treated the same.

In a recent conversation on the “Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi” podcast, the actress shared her thoughts on “nepo babies” and that, in her opinion, there are two sides to the coin. She stated that people often believe that as a woman who is related to big names in the industry, she has a much easier time at work. According to her, the situation is different.

“There’s also the other side — you have to prove yourself more. Plus, if people don’t have a good experience of being with other members of your family, you’ll never have a chance,” she said in an interview.

She also pointed out that young girls entering the industry have a much harder time and noted that no one has similar complaints about men who make a career through family connections.

“I always joke and say, ‘Why doesn’t anyone call George Clooney out for being a nepo kid?’ (His aunt) Rosemary Clooney was an icon. I feel like it’s harder for young girls to be labeled a ‘nepo’. I don’t see people calling names of famous actors. I don’t think they should do that. who wants to follow their dreams,” Emma Roberts explained.

Later in the conversation, the actress pointed out that people only notice successes – moments when a famous character appears on a poster, but they do not see the path that leads to this success. He believes that it is important to talk openly about the fact that you auditioned but failed – all this so that the audience can see the effort that only sometimes ends in a great success, i.e. a role.

The discussion about “nepo children” in the film industry intensified a few years ago, and from time to time people who can be described by this term speak out on the matter. This group included, among others: Maya Hawke, Lily Allen, Dakota Johnson and Gwyneth Paltrow.

After the discussion about the family business broke out, she also spoke out Jamie LeeCurtis, who is the daughter of famous stars: Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis, and has appeared in various productions since she was 19 years old. In an Instagram post commenting on news related to the case, she stated that the entire action was only “an attempt to belittle, denigrate and hurt.”

“It’s interesting how we immediately make assumptions and snide remarks that someone who is related to someone else who is known in their field for their work will somehow have no talent at all. I’ve learned that this is simply not true. I adapted and showed up in various types of work with thousands of people and tried to bring honesty, professionalism, community and art to my work every day. We are not alone. Proud of our origins the right to exist,” wrote the actress.