TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

What's new on VOD? Our suggestions for the weekend!

“Bridgertons” Season 3 – June 13

The latest, third season of “Bridgerton” is coming to an end! The last four episodes of season 3 have debuted on Netflix and they answered all our questions! How will the story of Colin and Penelope end? Will Francesca get married? How will Lady Violet's flirtation with Lady Danbury's brother end? Fans have seen the end of the season!

“The Fault in Our Stars” – June 15

When this production premiered, all the teenagers of that time cried tearfully over this beautiful love story. Now the production returns to touch new generations.

Hazel is 17 years old and is struggling with cancer. At a support group meeting, she meets Gus, with whom she shares a sense of humor and an aversion to everything ordinary. Against all odds, they fall in love with each other… which ends in the most heartbreaking finale.

“The Boys” Season 4 – June 13

The world of “The Boys” is ruled by a corporation – in its hands is a group of super people called “The Seven”. In the public opinion, they are heroes, but the truth is completely different, and beloved celebrities are ordinary people for whom the powers and status of stardom have gone to their heads. The series does not hide the brutality of the world, it is saturated with violence and the dirty truth about people.

The new season develops well-known threads, while surprising us by crossing new boundaries. If you thought you had seen everything in “The Boys” – this was just the beginning.

“White Courage” – June 13

The production caused a lot of controversy shortly before and after its premiere, and now it is available on streaming platforms. Movie “White Courage” is set in the 1930s. The heroes of the production are Polish highlanders, and above all, Jędrek – a young, passionate mountaineer who is in love with Bronka. Unfortunately, the family chooses another husband for the girl, and Jędrek sets out to find his own path. On his way, he meets a German scientist, and after the outbreak of the war, the Germans offer cooperation to the inhabitants of Podhale. Which side will Jędrek choose?