Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

What films did Anna Dymna star in? “Quack”, “Leper” and many others

Anna Dymnaborn Małgorzata Dziadyk in Legnica, is one of the most famous and respected Polish actresses. At the age of 10, she began attending theater classes led by her neighbor, actor Jan Niwiński, who suggested that she try to get into the Theater School. From that moment on, her career took on a dynamic pace. Anna Dymna has received numerous awards, including the Eagle for the best supporting female role in the film “Eccentrics, or on the sunny side of the street” and the Golden Duck for the best actress for her role in the film “Only Fear”.

Anna Dymna is known for many outstanding film roles. Her most important roles include the character of Bayer in “Eccentrics, or on the sunny side of the street”, which earned her the Eagleand Katarzyna Sosnowska in “Tylko strach”, for which she received the Golden Duck. Also unforgettable is her role as Gola’s mother in the film “Sentenced to blues” and Barbara Radziwiłłówna in “Epitaph for Barbara Radziwiłłówna”. Thanks to her versatility and emotional depth, Dymna gained recognition among both critics and viewers.

Anna Dymna has an impressive list of films in which she has starred. Here is the full list of her filmography:

  1. Themselves. The Beginning (2024) – Pecynicha
  2. Mr. Samochodzik and the Templars (2023) – Łajma
  3. The Real Life of Angels (2022) – Anna
  4. Love on the front page (2022) – Mrs. Stasia
  5. Bitch (2022) – Actress Wanda
  6. Johnny (2022) – Helena Kaczkowska
  7. Amateurs (2020) – Mother of Krzysiek and Mary
  8. Flip-flop (2019) – Adam’s Mother
  9. Czesław M. School of Seduction (2016) – Fortune teller
  10. Eccentrics, or on the sunny side of the street (2015) – Bayerowa
  11. Grandma’s Day (2015) – Judyta Celińska
  12. Fear of heights (2011) – Doktor Druch
  13. A story hidden in chocolate (2011) – Ciocia Ewa
  14. Little Angel (2010) – Mom
  15. Mime (2007) – Woman in hospital
  16. Tower (2006) – Ewa’s Psychotherapist
  17. Loneliness on the Internet (2006) – Natalia’s mother
  18. Love in the Underpass (2006) – Lady with the Golden Glasses
  19. Sentenced to Blues (2005) – Polowa, Gola’s mother
  20. Our Street (2004) – Janek’s Mother
  21. Mr. Bruno (2004)
  22. An old fairy tale. When the sun was god (2003) – Jaga, Wisz’s wife, Dziwa’s mother
  23. No End (2003) – Mommy
  24. The Witcher (2001) – Nenneke, priestess of the temple of Melitele
  25. Big Animal (2000) – Maria Sawicka
  26. The Lady of the Camellias (1995) – Prudence Duvernoy, Margaret’s friend
  27. Pestka (1995) – Teresa, Boris’s wife
  28. The Lady with a Wet Head (1994) – Zbyszek’s mother, owner of the “Ustronie” guesthouse in Zakopane
  29. Death Like a Slice of Bread (1994) – Józef’s Miner’s Wife
  30. Devil’s Education (1994) – Mother
  31. Only Fear (1993) – Katarzyna Sosnowska
  32. Up the Stairs, Down the Stairs (1988) – Baroness Sztygielowa
  33. The Personal Diary of a Sinner Written by Himself (1985) – Dominika
  34. To the Relief of Vienna (1983) – Maria Kazimiera
  35. Blade to Blade (1983) – Konstancja Zgurska
  36. Destiny (1983) – Hanna P.
  37. According to Thy Judgments… (1983) – Rachel, Aunt Ruth
  38. The Issa Valley (1982) – Magdalena, Father Peikswa’s housekeeper
  39. Epitaph for Barbara Radziwiłłówna (1982) – Barbara Radziwiłłówna / Peasant woman in Lithuania, Barbara’s look-alike
  40. The Quack (1981) – Maria Jolanta Wilczur
  41. Yvonne (1980)
  42. Chronica Anonyma (1980) – Woman in a flower crown
  43. Hungarian Rhapsody (1979) – Hanna
  44. Allegro barbaro (1979) – Hanna’s Girl
  45. Until the Last Blood… (1978) – Ania Gawlik
  46. There Will Be No Wedding (1978) – Małgosia
  47. The Combinator (1977) – Liesel
  48. Love or Leave (1977) – Ania Pawlakówna-Adamiec
  49. Round Week (1977) – Dragon
  50. Passion (1977) – Magdalena Kaszycka
  51. The Leper (1976) – Melania Barska
  52. Janosik (1974) – Clarissa, the count’s daughter
  53. There are no strong ones (1974) – Ania Pawlakówna, granddaughter of Pawlak and Kargul
  54. Carousel (1974) – Iwona
  55. The Secret (1973) – Student Urszula
  56. From the life of a good-for-nothing (1973) – Pretty / Peasant / Bartender / Servant
  57. Nothing Happened (1973)
  58. The Keys (1972) – Hanka, the Kędzierski family’s neighbor
  59. The Rajah’s Diamond (1971) – Daughter of Vandeleur, a former dictator
  60. How Far From Here, How Close (1971) – Stranger
  61. 5 and 1/2 Pale Joe (1971) – Katarzyna
  62. Szerokaj Dear, Darling (1971) – Gabrysia, Maćkowski’s “niece”
  63. 150 per hour (1971) – Ania, Marcin’s girlfriend

Anna Dymna is undoubtedly one of the most important figures in Polish cinema, and her impressive filmography proves her constant talent and acting versatility.

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