Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Was the famous scene from “Titanic” a “mess”? Kate Winslet reveals what's going on behind the scenes!

It's hard to find a person who has never seen at least a fragment of James Cameron's cult film. And it's even harder to find people among the viewers who didn't want to be in DiCaprio's arms after watching it “Titanic”. How does he remember this production? Kate Winslet?

While talking to Vanity Fair, Kate Winslet looked at some of her most iconic scenes. Of course, there was the famous kiss scene Leonardo DiCaprio. The actress revealed some behind-the-scenes information. What did it look like from her perspective? Turns out… full of mess.

“My God, he's quite a romantic, isn't he? No wonder every young girl in the world wanted Leonardo DiCaprio to kiss her,” the star said, later adding:

“We were kissing constantly and I was wearing a lot of light makeup and I had to check my makeup – on both of us, between shots – and it looked like I was sucking on a caramel chocolate bar after every sip because his makeup was all over me,” Kate Winslet explained. adding that after each reshoot, DiCaprio looked as if his face was missing.

But that's not all – while filming this scene, several reshoots were necessary because the actress kept hitting her knee on the railing.

“Leo couldn't stop laughing and we had to shoot it about four times because (director James Cameron) needed very specific lighting for it and the sunsets kept changing,” recalled Kate Winslet.

Due to the difficulty of accessing this particular part of the ship, the makeup crew could not access the actors every time they were needed. In order to at least partially “replace” the crew, Winslet carried a “little makeup artist's kit” with her.

The actress was prepared and had “his (DiCaprio's) makeup, brushes and sponge and her makeup, brushes and sponge” hidden in parts of her dress and did both of their make-up between shots.

Dedication and work clearly brought success, because “Titanic” became a cult production that won as many as 11 Oscars, including the statuette for best picture. And what does the actress herself think about this production?

“I'm very proud of it (…). Entire generations of people are discovering this film or watching it for the first time and there is something extraordinary about it.”