Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Tofifest 2024: From Poland Competition and the most interesting films by Polish artists

This year, in the From Poland competition, viewers will have the opportunity to see 13 titles that include:have already gained universal recognition at other festivals or are distinguished for their innovation, groundbreaking in the topics they discuss or unforgettable acting performances.

“The ‘From Poland’ competition is an overview of what is most valuable in the Polish season, but also… an attempt at diagnosis: what does local cinema look like today, what is it missing, and what is its value” – Łukasz Maciejewski announces the section.

“The choice is not accidental, preceded by reflection and internal dilemmas: how to choose titles so that they fit into one whole and at the same time constitute an internally vibrant image of the cinema of young, debuting creators, but also of classics or artists with significant achievements? (…) The ‘From Poland’ cinema will be a cinema full of surprises” – underlines.

About that, The audience will decide who will receive the Golden Angel award for the best Polish film.

In the From Poland competition we will be able to see films from the list below:

  • “Woman with…” (2023, dir. Małgorzata Szumowska, Michał Englert)
  • “On our own. The beginning” (2024, dir. Artur Żmijewski)
  • “Peasants” (2023, dir. DK Welchman, Hugh Welchman)
  • “Crazy people” (2023, dir. Jan Jakub Kolski)
  • “The Jesters” (2023, dir. Gabriela Muskała)
  • “Ultima Thule” (2023, dir. Klaudiusz Chrostowski)
  • “Bow” (2023, dir. Sławomir Fabicki)
  • “Imago” (2023, dir. Olga Chajdas)
  • “Absolutely nothing” (2023, dir. Grzegorz Dębowski)
  • “Fin del Mundo?” (2023, dir. Piotr Dumała)
  • “Camper” (2023, dir. Łukasz Suchocki)
  • “Kaytek the Wizard” (2023, dir. Magdalena Łazarkiewicz)

22nd Tofifest International Film Festival. Kujawy and Pomerania will take place on June 25-30 in Toruń. Viewers will be able to take part in screenings in the Festival Center (CKK Jordanki), Cinema City and outdoors. Detailed information and the program are available on the website and on social media.

See also: Pomykała, Figura, Dziędziel and Oscars, or 20 years of the Warsaw Film School