Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

There were tears in “Got Talent”! The performance of the blind couple is heartbreaking

Denise, 40, and Stefan, 52 this is a couple that delighted millions of people in front of their TV sets. Both DeniseWhat Stefan they have not been able to see since birth. Denise sings and Stefan is a pianist. Questioned by the jurors, they admitted that recent years had been exceptionally difficult for them.

They have both complained about various health problems in recent years, and Denise was also diagnosed with breast cancer, which is currently in remission.

“We are a married couple,” said Denise w “I have a talent”. The couple met in 2006 at an award ceremony. The participant then handed out prizes, while her future husband played the piano during the same event.

Since then, the couple has been together, and they made the jurors laugh with the jokes they told before the show. “They are very funny,” the hosts said to their son backstage. “They joke all the time,” he commented.

The couple performed a song for the jury “Climb Ev'ry Mountain” from the movie “The Sound of Music”. The blind couple touched everyone in the room.

Tears appeared in his eyes almost immediately Bruno Tonioli. The audience applauded the duo even during their performance. At the end of the song, everyone was listening to Denise, standing and cheering.

“Every person in the room is on their feet,” said the host. After a while, the participants were joined by their son and his guide dog. Tearful Tonioli he shouted: “I'm a mess, this program will destroy me.”

“We always say this. Without people like you, this program makes no sense. It's true. I'm glad you came to us. You are both amazing. Your approach to life is extraordinary,” he commented. Simon Cowell.

“You are so naturally funny, we thought you would do something comedic. Your voice was beautiful,” she said. Alesha Dixon. “You have inspired me, I have just learned something about a positive state of mind and approach to life. You are worth imitating. I admire you,” concluded Tonioli.

The jurors unanimously allowed the duo to advance to the next stage. The recording has been viewed over 800,000 times. times.

“This couple doesn't need sympathy. They are great!”, “They should win the whole show, I hope they do”, “Am I the only one crying after what I saw?”, “I'm a 68-year-old man and tears are falling now on my cheeks,” viewers commented.