Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

The fans were shocked! Dawid Podsiadło and Taco Hemingway connected remotely at a concert

Taco Hemingway he has been touring in recent months to promote the album “1-800-Enlightenment”. This weekend, he finished his tour at the National Stadium, which he completely sold out, and he was the first rapper in Poland to do so. Interestingly, he had previously intended to perform at the Progresja Summer Stage, but the organizers changed the venue due to the huge interest in the event.

The one celebrating its 10th anniversary is achieving similar successes Dawid Podsiadlo. All tickets for the singer’s stadium concerts are completely sold out. During the performance in Chorzów, he invited me to the stage Kaśka Sochacka, Ralph Kamiński, Kortez and Artur Rojekwhose “The Length of the Sound of Loneliness” is still moving, and the crowd almost always knows the entire text by heart.

In 2023, the artists performed together at the PGE National Stadium, which was extremely popular. This time they decided to take advantage of the fact that they are playing the two biggest concerts in Poland at the same time.

When Taco was warming up Warsaw and Podsiadło appeared on the Chorzów stage for good, the gentlemen decided to suddenly stop the concert.

Then, the participants could see the other artist on the large screens of both performances! Because they decided to connect remotely, so they could see and talk to each other directly at the event. They were both delighted with their shared success and had a short chat. The rapper was almost sure it wouldn’t work.

“Until the last moment I thought it wouldn’t work. We are in the future,” admitted Taco Hemingway.

The fans did not expect this at all and were in great shock. There was applause in both arenas as the video connected. This is the first such situation at a concert in Poland, because no one has come up with such an unusual idea before. It must be admitted that this duo can surprise.