Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

She stunned the “Got Talent” jurors. Her rendition of the great hit became a hit

Sydney Christmas In “I have a talent” she surprised the jurors at the very beginning when she said her name. She then said that she had recently moved to London and had previously lived in Kent.

The participant revealed that she dreams of performing at West End, and then admitted that she hadn’t sung for 24 years. Then she said she would sing the song “Tomorrow” from the musical “Annie”, and Simon Cowellwhen he heard this, he groaned. “It’s Simon’s most hated song,” she said Amanda Holden.

However, the participant’s performance was so flawless and full of emotions that even… Simon Cowell he looked at the singer with disbelief and admiration.

“You don’t have to say anything more, you’ve done it,” she said shortly Alesha Dixon. “You are so incredibly natural and funny on stage, and then you gave us the most beautiful version of this song. It’s the best version I’ve ever heard,” Holden said and pressed Golden Button.

Simon Cowell summed up her performance as follows: “Such an audience reaction is rare here. We all know that it’s often necessary to break down for something you really love. You deserved what you got. I hated this song, and now I love it.”

In the semi-final, Sydnie performed a great hit Frank Sinatra “My Way” and left the jurors delighted. The entire room cheered standing after the participant’s performance.

“I have to sit down, I thought I was going to faint during the performance. Today you were even better than when I pressed the Golden Button. I can’t believe your talent, your fire, your strength, you can be proud of yourself and your grandmothers are certainly proud.” – she commented Amanda Holden.

“The way you sang here, the way you built tension on high notes, total control with so much power, it was delightful,” he added Bruno Tonioli.

“You are a rising star,” he summed up briefly Alesha Dixon. “You were not a 10 today, but an 11. Without people like you, this program would make no sense. I also wonder who those idiots were that you were performing in front of that didn’t give you a proper chance. They must have been deaf. The only people “The people you have to trust are the audience,” he concluded Cowell.