Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Shakin' Dudi and a new version of “Oh, Ziuta”. This is an announcement of the new album!

Re-recorded “Terminator”, “Think about what you're doing”, “Ow, she's crazy.” and “Oh, Ziuta” announce a special publication on the occasion of the band's 40th anniversary.

“The album will include six newly recorded songs from the debut 'Golden Record' and two premiere songs. The album will be released in a limited edition on vinyl and compact disc,” we read in the description.

They participated in the recordings Irek Dudek (vocals, harmonica), Darek Dusza (guitar), Tomasz Pala (piano), Łukasz Sosna (saxophone), Bartek Stuchlik (double bass) and Damian Drzymała (drums).

“'Ziuta' is an unusual rock'n'roll song that mockingly describes reality from a male point of view. Darek described it perfectly. After the premiere of the song, many women were offended at me. A certain lady secretary from TV stopped being angry with me after the premiere of the song. to talk to me. I didn't know why? Only after some time I found out why. Her name was Ziuta. It was not Shakin' Dudi's style to approach the gray reality that surrounded us with humor and a pinch of salt in this song, it's a typical rock'n'roll song. I sang it straight, which was suggested to me by the producer Wojciech Przybylski. Similarly to 'Ou, szalalala', none of us expected that Ziuta would become such a trademark of mine. says Shakin' Dudii.e. Irek Dudek.

“Shakin' Dudi had rehearsals at the Akant student club in Katowice. The repertoire was created quickly. I brought the lyrics, and Irek composed the melody and harmony for them on the spot at the piano. Then he made an arrangement and after a while we played the entire number. The next morning I got up to go by train from my hometown of Gliwice to the rehearsal. And then I realized that I was supposed to write a new text the previous evening. But unfortunately I gave up and forgot. I don't like such situations, I'm rather organized. I didn't have much time, so I wrote the words in the morning ablution. I liked lyrics with a punchline at the time and I wanted to end this Ziuta. But I didn't have time… I brought four verses to the rehearsal. The text was long anyway, so Irek said it was enough and the fifth one I wanted to add was unnecessary None of us expected that a song written in five minutes and practically unfinished would stick with us forever,” recalls Darek Dusza.

The anniversary EP “Golden Record – Przeboje” will be released on October 5 during the Rawa Blues festival.