Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Sebastian Fabijański and Magda Karwacka from “Love Island” together. What connects them?

Popular actor Sebastian Fabijański started his adventure with music at the end of the last decade, when, together with OSTR recorded a song promoting the film “Psy 3”. Then in 2020 by print Asphalt Records his album was released “Primitive”which, however, was received quite coldly.

Recently, the song has gained a lot of popularity “Insurgent”in which they accompany him Sarius, Feno, Intruder and the Sokolovians. The recording promoted the film “Insurgent 1863”, in which Sebastian Fabijański played the main role. The song caused even more confusion (over 1.1 million views in a month). “Boy” with guest participation Patricia Markowska and Sarius.

Another announcement of the solo album “Diament” is the song “Under the open sky” (check!), showing a new musical version of the actor, rapper and vocalist. “A kind of anthem of summer love and emotions” – we read in the announcement.

The music video, made by the Powidok production house (the script and concept were created by Fabijański himself), featured a popular model and influencer Magdalena Karwackaknown for her programs “Top Model” and “Love Island” and model and tiktoker Igor Łubkowski.

In turn, the musical production of the song is the responsibility of Michał “Nerwus” Buczek.