TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Roman of the Dragon”: Olivia Cooke and Phia Saban reveal the secrets of the second season. “It was madness, pure madness”

“Dragon's House” is a series about politics, alliances and, perhaps above all, about the internally torn and dysfunctional Targaryen dynasty. Complicated family relationships are the main core of the series. In the second season, as many fans familiar with George RR Martin's novel know and viewers probably expect, the situation between the family members will only worsen. What awaits Alicent (Olivia Cooke) and Helaena (Phia Saban) in the latest episodes?

“It's a very complicated season for Alicent and Helaena, but I think their relationship is getting stronger. Helaena was previously a mystery to Alicent – she always tried to establish a connection and create a mother-daughter bond. We finally have plenty of scenes like this this season” – Olivia Cooke, who plays Queen Alicent, tells journalists, including Interia.

“I completely agree,” adds Phia Saban, known from “The Fall of the Kingdom.” “This is one of those situations where people begin to understand each other because they are in danger. They have no choice – they must accept the person in front of them as they are. They both used to run away from certain things because they were uncomfortable, but now they think – this is our relationship.”

“They accept her as she is. A certain kind of love is born from this” (…) I have often heard that relationships between parents and children become stronger and that parents' actions become more meaningful when grandchildren are born. Maybe that's what happened with Alicent and Helaena – motherhood brought them together.”

The first episodes will certainly be a test for Alicent. As Olivia Cooke says in an interview, the beginning of the second series is an interesting time for its heroine, who realizes that she may have made a mistake in helping her son take the Iron Throne.

“Alicent's sons are a bit distant from her. Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney) doesn't need her advice; he doesn't follow her advice. Aemond, on the other hand, hasn't listened to Alicent for a long time, so now my heroine wanders around the castle and sees how all the the pieces of the game are falling out of her hands. This is interesting, because with that comes a certain feeling of freedom – Alicent has always been driven by duty, was strongly influenced by her father and was basically a pawn on the chessboard. Now she has a moment to think and At one point she thinks, “I guess I made a mistake.”

“Game of Thrones” brought great fame to the actors, who were previously unknown to the general public. Now Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington can choose from films and TV series, and millions of fans around the world support them warmly. Given the publicity or working on the set of such a large production, would stars of “Rogue of the Dragon” contacted the cast of “Game of Thrones” asking for advice?

“I remember once I contacted Maisie (Williams, the actress playing Arya in “Game of Thrones” – editor's note). We worked together a long time ago, when I was probably 18, she was 15. I talked to her about buzz around the series, how intense it is. I met Emilia (Clarke, the series' Daenerys – editor's note) and Sophie (Turner, who played Sansa – editor's note) last year. I also met Kit. Harington, aka Jon Snow – (editor's note), who is a really nice and amazing guy,” says Cooke and adds with a laugh that they have a group chat.

During the conversation with journalists, there was also a question about what features must have a character to survive in the world created by George RR Martin. What helps the two heroines survive?

I, as Olivia, would have died after two minutes. In this world you definitely have to be persistent; have a bit of blind faith that you are on the right path. Alicent is a believer and I think that helps her a lot.”

Phia Saban believes that the most important thing for Helaena in this matter is the support of her family: “They don't always understand her, but they are her family who are always around her“.

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Working on the set of a high-budget series is a demanding task. What do actresses learn or have learned on the set of “Road of the Dragon”?

“Oh my gosh. In this job I learn something new every five seconds” – Olivia laughs.

“For me, the most important thing is the support of our cast. Each of them is great – we take part in this crazy expedition as a really well-coordinated group. In stressful situations, we joke, we always take care of each other,” explains Phia. “This band is the best gift I've ever received. Plus, they're all very talented. So far, I have only shot two series (“The Fall of the Kingdom” and “Roman of the Dragon” – editor's note), but I have been incredibly lucky with people. I have the same work ethic and that's beautiful too.”

“Roman of the Dragon” is one of the greatest fantasy productions in recent years. As you know, this genre is very popular, and movie and series stars often appear at conventions. Like Olivia Cooke and Phia Saban do they feel in this climate and how do they perceive fans?

“I've been to several conventions, including Comic-Con, and the first time I couldn't believe how huge it was. It was madness, pure madness. And, you know, there's a certain pressure that comes with it – you want to do a great job and play the part well to honor both the source material and the fans. Sometimes it's difficult because the fans can be… loud,” says Olivia.

“Are there ever times when fans come up to you and tell you their theories about the show? You're probably Alicent to them at that moment, not Olivia.”

“I guess so. Except I don't really like it. I'm a completely different person than Alicent.”

“Definitely. I like Alicent a lot, but I think I like you more” – Phia finishes.

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