TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Polsat Box Go: New episode of “Betrayal” and the adventures of “In-laws”

“In-laws” is a light, timeless story about intergenerational differences. It is even more funny because in this story two couples with different worldviews and values ​​clash – the owners of a banana ripening room, upstarts – Violetta (Joanna Kurowska) and Zenon (Cezary Pazura) Nagórski, and the modest ones, Dorota (Jolanta Fraszyńska) and Roman (Cezary Kosiński ) Ledwoniowe. In addition, their children – Andżelika (Julia Wieniawa) and Lucjan (Ignacy Liss) – cause them constant problems. The series is a humorous story that reflects contemporary customs and generational differences in a distorting mirror.

She, Julia (Anna Kaczmarczyk), is a sensitive artist and the wife of an ambitious prosecutor Patryk (David Gardener). He, Paweł (Paweł Małaszyński), is a lawyer in the company of his father-in-law, an influential and dishonest businessman Hubert Czarciński (Piotr Polk). They both meet at the opening of Julia's works. They quickly become involved in an affair. They both have no idea of ​​the relationship between their families. The prosecutor's office has been monitoring Czarciński's interests for a long time. Julia and Paweł's affair affects not only their loved ones, but also the ongoing investigation.

“Betrayal” is a series full of different shades. There are no only good and only bad characters here, only weak and only strong. The whole story develops quickly and is an ideal proposition for viewers who, in addition to criminal and gangster themes, also like psychological ones. The series allows you to look at relationships – marital, family and business – from different perspectives. The characters face many problems and have to make difficult choices at critical moments in their lives.

He's coming back TV series “Interview with the Vampire”, based on the cult saga by Anne Rice, published in the United States in 1976. In Poland, “Interview with the Vampire” was published a few years later. In 1994, he appeared again film of the same title (starring Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Kirsten Dunst), an adaptation of the first novel in the series “The Vampire Chronicles”which the AMC series is based on.

Nice Emma grows up in the Amazon jungle, with Hope – a small black jaguar – as her adventures and fun companion. Unfortunately, their beautiful and intimate relationship ends when the girl moves to New York. Away from her hometown, Emma never stops dreaming of returning to the rainforest and her beloved pet. Years pass. Emma, ​​now a teenager, has become accustomed to life in the big city over time. discovers that the Amazon forest is threatened by animal hunters. Without hesitating for a moment, the girl sets off to the land of childhood to save her friend. She is helped by her successful biology teacher, Mrs. Anja. Together they will do everything to find Hope and save the jaguar from those who will not hesitate to destroy wildlife for profit.

See also: “Back to Life”: A Polish version of the British hit is being created