Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Paulla and Adam Konkol's son plays drums. Despite this, he is not interested in a career as a musician

Team founder's relationship TearsAdam Konkol – with the singer Paulla was once a media sensation. The couple lived in harmony with each other, their love blossomed and they were able to reach an agreement also in the professional sphere. Together they created several songs that became famous hits years ago. In 2008, they had a son – Adam. The musicians broke up after some time, but they both still raise their child and maintain healthy contacts with each other.

The son of Paulla and Adam Konkol is already 16 years old and is starting to think seriously about his future. It turns out that he doesn't want to follow in his parents' footsteps. He has a completely different plan for what he will do next in his life. Paulla recently admitted that her son has very good hearing and a talent for playing drums, but he is not interested in a career as a musician.

“Adam and I both believe that Adam has an outstanding talent for drums. He was simply born with it. I remember that he was about 10 years old and went to a rehearsal with musicians. A great drummer played for me at that time – Mariusz Mocarski. During the break, Adaś started playing the drums and my musicians thought he was great. He has never learned to play this instrument, but he has very good hearing. But I don't want to do it,” the singer said in an interview with Plotek.

“I regret it very much, but I don't want to force him,” Paulla added. She also revealed what direction her son intended to go. Adam chose film at school and wants to work in editing or directing.

Paulla also revealed that her son is multi-talented. He speaks two languages ​​at a very advanced level and deepens his knowledge and prepares materials for publication on YouTube about paranormal phenomena. The star cannot help but admire her and praises her son, of whom she is very proud, at every possible opportunity.

“Adaś is an introvert by nature. He is rather a loner, very calm. He also has a lot of patience. I can also boast that when it comes to school, there has not been a single school year without Adaś receiving a very high praise from the principal or teachers. personal culture. He is also sensitive and helpful. He volunteers his time at a shelter for homeless cats,” Paulla said in one of her recent interviews.