TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

‘Patron She-Hulk’: Tatiana Maslany Defends Infamous Scene

The third episode of “Patron She-Hulk” features a guest appearance by singer Megan Thee Stallion. In the last scene, she twerks together with the titular superheroine. Fans quickly expressed that they did not like this scene.

But Buttery he has a positive opinion about her. During Superhero Comic Con in San Antonio, the Emmy winner admitted that she “went to a lot of Megan Thee Stallion concerts.” “I was ready. It was the greatest moment of my life,” she admitted in an interview with “Agents of Fandom”.

The actress also referred to her character’s romance with his character Charlie Cox Daredevil. “I don’t think it was anything binding, but I’m sure (She-Hulk) would have hit on him again if something happened,” Maslany said.

The actress did not mention a possible return to the role of She-Hulk. In January, she admitted that the production of a second season of her series seemed unlikely. “I think we blew the budget and Disney said, ‘No, thank you,'” she said.

According to recent rumors, She-Hulk will join the Avengers in the fifth installment of the film series. However, no voice appeared to confirm this information.

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