Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Ozzy Osbourne wants to play a farewell concert. His disease is progressing

Ozzy Osbourne he has huge health problems. In 2023, the musician underwent another surgery as a result of the injury he suffered two decades ago, as he had a serious quad accident. As a result, he was hospitalized with eight broken ribs and a broken collarbone, as well as damaged cervical vertebrae.

Four years ago, the artist's injury recurred after he accidentally fell at his home. Since then, he has had trouble walking and complained of constant pain.

In 2020 he announced that suffers from Parkinson's disease, which made him depressed. for stem cell therapy.

“It feels like you're lifting your foot, but it's not actually moving. I feel like I'm walking in lead shoes. At some point, I stopped enjoying anything. Nothing made me happy. So I started taking antidepressants, which work,” the artist revealed.

The disease leads to the degeneration of nerve cells and a reduction in the level of dopamine, necessary for the control of body movements. He is currently undergoing stem cell therapy to reduce his symptoms. He is supported all the time by his wife, with whom he decided that in extreme cases he is ready to decide on “death on demand”. They also informed their children about this decision.

“If I can't do basic things on my own, I'll ask Sharon to make the decision. If I had a stroke and was paralyzed, I wouldn't want to be here. I've made a will and everything will go to Sharon if I die before her, so ultimately it will all go to the children,” he says Osbournes.

Ozzy Osbourne, despite his illness, continues to create music. However, we most likely won't have a chance to see him on stage again. The artist's health condition is getting worse and for this reason, he would like to organize his last concert.

“Ozzy desperately wants to organize his final solo concert due to his health condition. He told me that he would like to perform a few, maybe two or three songs Black Sabbath. So that's it Ozzy and Sabbath's last show” – says the band's bassist, Geezer Butler, in an interview with Q104.3 radio.

Butler is afraid, however, that the rest of the musicians may not agree to perform, despite the bassist's sincere desires. Ozzy states that a necessary condition is the performance of the lineup from the band's first albums.