Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

New “Lord of the Rings”: Will Ian McKellen return as Gandalf?

In an interview with The Times of London, he joked that he had heard about the new film and that's why he hasn't shaved for some time. That doesn't mean, however, that fans should look forward to his return to the role that earned him an Oscar shot.

“I didn't get the script, I didn't get any offer, I don't have any plans,” he said McKellen. He added that he would be interested in returning to the role of Gandalf, if only “he was still alive.”

In an interview with Deadline, Peter Jackson revealed why he decided to focus on the character of Gollum in the new production. “This character has always fascinated me because Gollum represents the worst of human nature, while the part of his personality known as Sméagol is quite nice,” said the director.

“I think it resonates with readers and viewers because there's a little bit of both in all of us. We want to show his story and focus on parts of his journey that haven't been explored in previous films. It's too early to say. who will stand in his way, but we will definitely draw our inspiration from Professor Tolkien,” he assured.

The “Lord of the Rings” film series currently includes three productions of the original trilogy (2001-2003) and three parts of “The Hobbit” (2012-2014). They grossed a total of almost $6 billion worldwide. The first trilogy was also very well received by reviewers. It was awarded numerous prizes, and the closing “The return of the King” received as many as 11 Oscars, including the best film of the year, director and screenplay.