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Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Memories of Dream Kipiel-Art. Touching words

Bartosz Żukowskiwhich in “The World According to the Kiepskis” he played Waldek, the son of Halina and Ferdynand, commented on the death of his mother in the series in an interview with “Fakt”. “It's many years of working together, but also friendship. For me it's a painful, even traumatic experience. I will always have her in my heart, but it hurts, the pain will also remain in my heart,” he said. He was in contact with Kipiel-SZTUKA all the time.

Information about Kipiel-Sztuka's death was shared in a short post on social media by Renata Pałys, who played Helena Paździoch, a neighbor of the titular family, in “Świat dla Kiepskich”. Later, in an interview with “Super Express”, she admitted that her co-star “had been seriously ill for some time, but she didn't want to talk about it. She simply lost her battle with a very serious illness.” She added that the last time she saw Kipiel-SZTUKA was the day before her death.

In turn, Hanna Śleszyńska admitted in a conversation with Pomponik that she was “surprised” by the information about the death of Kipiel-SZTUKA. “Marzena created a fantastic role and was a person full of energy, she welcomed me very warmly in the series. I joined the cast at the end, I experienced many nice gestures on her part. (…) She and Andrzej Grabowski made such a great couple… I will be there she remembered her as a warm person. I'm very sorry,” admitted the actress who played the role of Zofia in “Świat dla Kiepskich”.

Krzysztof Ibisz also remembered the deceased in an interview with Plotek. “I knew Marzena from the set of 'Kiepski' and 'How do they sing?'. Every time we met at work, as professional colleagues, she put a smile on my face. She was a person full of life. The life of the party with lots of anecdotes and jokes. .. (…) She was definitely a nice girl and a kind friend,” he confessed.

“I remember in 'How Do They Sing?' performing gave her great joy. I think that when there was a project in which she felt good, she bloomed like the most beautiful rose. That's how I will remember her.

Elżbieta Zapendowska, who met her while working on the program “Jakoni spieną”, also shared her memories about the actress. “I remember her very well. It was great to work with her. We met a few times in our lives. She had a nice, dark, hoarse tone. She was not only an actress, but also a good singer. She was a very nice person,” admitted the music critic quoted by “Super Express”.

Actress Gabriela Oberbek, known for, said goodbye to Kipiel-SZTUKA on her social media profile “Clan”, “Friends” and “Time of Honor”. “The unforgettable Halinka Kiepska, but above all a good, beloved person. A dynamite woman who loved her job” – recalled the deceased, with whom she worked on the series “Righteous – Criminal Division”.

“She had a difficult but colorful life, which she filled with her extraordinary charisma. Marzenko, wherever you are – thank you for the meetings, conversations, uplifting words and infectious humor,” she concluded.

Marzena Kipiel-Sztuka died on June 9, 2024, at the age of 58. Funeral details will be announced on Tuesday, June 11. It is known that the actress will be buried in Legnica next to her parents.